Trefniadau gollwng plant a nol plant diwedd dydd

Diolch i bawb am eich cydweithrediad wrth i ni dreialu’r sytem newydd o bigo a gollwng plant ar ddechrau a diwedd pob dydd. Rydym wedi gwrando ar sylwadau staff a rhieni ac yn awyddus i barhau. Fel y gwyddoch, rydym wedi cael system electroneg o gloi’r giat buarth ac mae hyn wedi bod o gymorth mawr o ran diogelwch safle. Rydym yn parhau i ystyried man newidiadau (e.e lleihau’r mwd sydd tu allan giat y buarth a sicrhau fod giat buarth yn agor yn effeithiol!) Diolch am eich sylwadau a’ch cefnogaeth.

Noder! Pwysleisir- ni chaiff gerbydau ddod i fyny’r dreif yn ystod cyfnodau prysur (8.40-9.10yb a 2.40yp-3.30yp.) Mae hyn o ran diogelwch y sawl sy’n defnyddio’r dreif (disgyblion, rhieni, staff, ymwelwyr). Does dim eithriadau o gwbl yn y rheol yma.

Drop off and Pick up Arrangements-

Many thanks to you all for your support since we have changed our pick up / drop off arrangements for pupils. It has in many ways being a ‘trial and error’ process which we continue to monitor and evolve. The electronic lock on the school gate onto the yard has been a good addition to site security and we are considering options to improve issues on the gate from the school yard onto the drive (Issue of mud and difficulty opening gate are being reviewed). Many thanks for your continued support. Fundamentally, the rationale is in moving the bottle neck away from the drop off point in order to reduce risk of potential accidents / collisions between pedestrians and vehicles.

Please note- NO vehicles are allowed up the drive (8.40-9.10yb and 2.40pm-3.30pm.) This is due to the fact pedestrians make use of the drive during drop off/ pick up times. There are no exceptions to this rule.