PWYSIG- Trefniadau gollwng plant yn y bore / IMPORTANT- Reminder of drop off arrangements

Hoffwn atgoffa pawb mai cyfrifoldeb rhieni yw gofalu eu plant ar safle Ysgol y Llys cyn i ni agor brif giat mynediad i’r safle am 8:50yb bob bore. Bydd staff ar ddyletswydd ar brif giatiau’r ysgol o 8:50yb bob bore. Nes y bydd y giatiau ar agor, rydym yn annog rieni i gadw llygad ar eu plant, yn enwedig gan gofio fod prysurdeb ceir a thrafnidiaeth cerbydau yn y man yma bob bore.

Rydym hefyd wedi gweld cynnydd yn y nifer disgyblion sy’n gyson yn  cyrraedd yr ysgol yn hwyr yn y bore.

Nodyn i’ch atgoffa felly yr agorir giatiau’r ysgol am 8:50yb a chenir gloch yr ysgol am 8:55yb. 

Os yw eich plentyn yn absenol oherwydd salwch neu os oes ganddynt apwyntiadau meddygol, rhaid cysylltu a’r ysgol yn brydlon

unai trwy alwad ffon neu drwy neges ebost i’r dderbynfa.

Hoffwn ddiolch i rieni hefyd am eich cydweithrediad wrth i ni wneud cais i rieni  a staff wisgo gorchuddion wyneb (Cylchlythyr 25/09/20)

ar y buarth. Fel ysgol, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi eich cefnogaeth. Bob yn dipyn, fe drechwn yr haint ddieflig yma.

Gan ddymuno penwythnos da i chwi gyd.

Can we please remind everyone that it is the responsibility of parents to supervise their children in the drop off area prior to main school gates opening in the mornings. Gates will be supervised and opened daily by a member off staff from 8:50am onwards.

Until the gates are opened please stay vigilant with your children as you will be aware that the traffic flow in this area is very busy in the mornings.  

We have also noticed recently an increase in pupils arriving late at school after 9:00am. 

A reminder that the school gate is opened at 8:50am each morning and the bell sounds at 8:55am. 

If your child is absent from school for health reasons- such as medical appointments, sickness (Non COVID related), please notify school as soon as possible via telephone/email. 

Can I also take this opportunity to thank parents for supporting the use of face coverings whilst on site. As was emphasised in last weeks newsletter, this is a voluntary request. But the shared accountability is for the benefit of us all. Be mindful however that some people, due to personal circumstances are exempt from wearing coverings due to either medical reasons or disabilities. 

Wishing you all a good weekend.

Stay safe.