Wedi hir ystyried, rydym wedi penderfyny oherwydd yr hinsawdd sydd ohonni, na fyddem yn caniatau i blant ddosbarthu cardiau Nadolig ar safle’r ysgol eleni. Yn naturiol, nid dyma’r penderfyniad y byddem yn ei ddymuno, ond gan ystyried asesiadau risg i atal ledaeniad haint COVID mai dyma fyddai callaf eleni. Cofiwch- byddwn yn parhau i ddathlu ysbryd yr wyl yn yr ysgol- hyn drwy weithgareddau Nadolig, cyngherddau rhithiol, cinio Nadolig a diwrnod wisg siwmper Nadolig. Diolch am eich dealltwriaeth yn hyn o beth.

Yn yr un modd- fel staff, rydym yn flynyddol erbyn diwedd Rhagfyr yn aml yn derbyn anrhegion fel rhoddion caredig oddi wrth rieni. Rydym bob tro yn hynod ddiolchgar i rieni am hyn. Ond gyda’r un amodau yn berthnasol yma, gofynnnwn i rieni i beidio a chyflwyno anrhegion i staff eleni. Petai rieni yn dymuno, efallai byddai modd roi cyfraniad i elusen o’ch dewis. Ond wrth gwrs, does dim pwysau i wneud hyn. Unwaith eto- diolch o flaen llaw am eich dealltwriaeth a’ch cydweithrediad.

After much consideration, we have reluctantly decided this year that due to Covid restrictions and risk assessment that we will not be encouraging pupils to share Christmas Cards with other pupils via Ysgol y Llys this year. Obviously, this is not an easy decision to make, especially in the season of goodwill. Forefront to the decision-making process is to limit potential transmission of Covid from homes into school. Please be re-assured however, that we will still be holding various festive activities at school this term, such as preparing online Christmas shows, holding our annual Christmas lunch and supporting the Save the Children charity by holding a Christmas Jumper day. (Among various other activities).

In the same spirit, we would also like to add that every year staff are very grateful for gifts they receive from parents at the end of the Christmas term. However, with careful reflection, we kindly ask that parents do not send gifts to staff this year but would consider a small donation to a charity of your own choice, should you wish. It is our privilege to teach your children and we are grateful for your continued support. We are extremely grateful for your kindness, but feel in the current climate, that it would be better to support a charity who have potentially lost funding due to the effects of the ongoing pandemic. Thank you for your understanding.