KS2 Google Form for Live Wellbeing Sessions

Yn dilyn gohebiaeth ddiweddar yn cyfeirio at sesiynau dysgu byw, gweler ddolen i rieni plant ym mlynyddoedd 3,4,5 a 6

i gwblhau sy’n datgan eu caniatad. Yn y ddolen, gwelir canllawiau ysgol y bydd yn disgwyl i blant gydymffurfio efo. Os ydych yn dymuno i’ch plentyn fod yn rhan o hyn, mae RHAID cwblhau’r ddolen canlynol sy’n datganiad o gadarnhad rhieni. Gofynnwn i chwi gwblhau erbyn dydd Mercher, Ionawr 27ain (3yh).  Bydd manylion parthed dyddiad ac amser y cyfarfodydd yn mynd allan i rieni erbyn diwedd wythnos nesaf. Rydym yn bwriadu cychwyn gyda’r seisynau byw yn ystod wythnos Chwefror 1-5ed, 2021.


Following on from yesterday’s school newsletter, please find a Google form to register your pupil to take part in a weekly live

‘Check in’ Session with their class teacher (via Google Meet), Initially, this will be offered to pupils in years 3,4,5 and 6 only. Arrangements will be monitored and reviewed. This provision is also specifically targeting pupils who do not access Key worker provision and therefore do not have face to face contact with staff.

The Google form includes school arrangements and expectations’ in relation to behaviour and safeguarding. Parents who wish their children to take part must ensure the consent forms are completed and submitted no later than Wednesday, January 27th (3pm). Details regarding dates and times and how to log onto Google Meet will be shared with parents next week. We hope to begin these sessions during week February 1-5th, 2021
